


Brexit information  .GOV.UK New Rules

All updates feature at .GOV.UK. We have included the most relevant links below. The list is not exhaustive, depending on your individual circumstances there may be more you need to know.




Industry information


National Equine Welfare Council

Cost of living crisis

The results of a cost of living survey conducted by a group of equine welfare charities and organisations was published on Wednesday 28th June 2023.


Horserace Betting Levy Board

Codes of Practice

The Horserace Betting Levy Board's (HBLB) online Codes of Practice set out voluntary recommendations to help breeders, in conjunction with their veterinary surgeons, prevent and control specific diseases in all breeds of horse and pony. It comprises six Codes of Practice and guidelines on equine influenza, Streptococcus equi (strangles), piroplasmosis, West Nile fever and on artificial insemination (AI).